Monday, June 15, 2009

Harris Park Ward Youth Conference

On the way up to Knoll's Lake on the Mongollon Rim. Beautiful scenery and a little chilly at night
40's, but I was toasty warm with two sleeping bags.
Some games I came up with by googling "EFY Games". (great source if you need youth games.)
Bishop Goodman talking on a class choices we make to be fit and healthy.
Mountain Man Doug Steiner talking about good and bad choices.
Craig and LuAnn Pulver talking about choices we make listening to music, movies, etc.
Kenzie bending plastic fork in fire, (favorite pastime of the Youth).
Hamburgers for dinner and pancakes, sausage, hash browns and eggs for breakfast.
Friends Diane in background, Faie, Me, and Marisa.
Craig's catch of the day - rainbow trout.
Bethany, Mercedes and Dannika trying their skills on the canoe.
Diane and Bishop relaxing in their lazyboy chairs from Costco (the best chairs ever).
Cleaning up the campground was our service project.


Diane... said...

Nancy...I loved these pictures and I linked to this post but maybe you would rather me do the "here" thing rather than your blog address (but I don't know how!)or maybe you'd rather I did not use these pictures at all....let me know....they are great!! Good times today as always with you!!! and THANKS for the CD!

Debbie said...

looks like youth conference was a great success!!! Sure enjoyed seeing all of the pictures and everyone's smiles!!