Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grampa's Visit

This was Rick's first time holding Maylee. And you can tell from the photo below she loves it.

She was one day old here and her facial features have changed so much. The first day her face was swollen and now she has thinned down. She needs to stay in the hospital a few more days because they found some bacteria in the placenta. And just as a precautionary measure they have her on an antibiotic. We were all hoping she could come home today but will have to be patient and wait a few more days. She is so precious and sweet. I got to hold her for about 4 hours yesterday and she slept the whole time. She hardly ever cries.


jt said...

nancy, congratulations, she is so sweet and beautiful have fun!

Bradford Bunch said...

Nancy, she is so beautiful! We can't wait to meet her.