Monday, March 15, 2010

Historic Mesa Singles Ward Building

This is the building Rick's Singles Ward meet in. He has been the 2nd counselor for over a year now. It is the 2nd oldest LDS chapel in Mesa Arizona, which was built in 1912. The first oldest sits right next door and was sold to a charter school (Heritage Academy). Rick's ward is the only ward that is currently using the building right now. It sits in downtown Mesa about 3 blocks west of the temple at 15 West 1st Ave.

This is a picture of the edition which was built in 1987 adding a nice kitchen and classrooms.
Stained glass in the chapel adds a nice touch.This is the singles ward choir practising for our upcoming stake conference. Our Stake President heard them sing and wanted them to sing for the Saturday night adult session.This is the view from the pulpit. When you walk in you really feel the peace tranquility.The spanish style outdoor courtyard is very popular with wedding receptions and funerals.The cultural hall has a stage and it also has a partial basement which has been turned into a scout room. Heritage Academy also uses the building for their seminary classes. The singles are incharge of cleaning it and do a great job every Saturday morning with at least 20 young adults showing up to help out.


Diane... said...

THOSE SINGLES ARE SO LUCKY...I LOVE THAT BUILDING!!! I remember going there for different things back in my single days and that was not in the 1912 era.

bettermesa said...

The First Friday of every month in Downtown Mesa we close Main Street to only motorcycles. There are live bands, vendors and motorcycle enthusiasts galore. If you are on facebook go to our page "Motorcycles on Main" and look at the fun. Besides the already great restaurants there are food vendors on the street. It is not what you would expect to see in our town!
Second fridays of every month from 6-10 pm (both events run the same time of the day) is a themed event which changes each month. April is FAME on Main- music, performing arts groups on two stages, over 60 artists showing their original works, and just a plan ole good time.
Hope to see you around.
Terry Benelli

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful building. I had no idea. I love the way the chapel is set up. I'm gonna have to sneak into one of their meetings one day.