Sunday, April 19, 2009

Farewell Mama Kiki - 18 good years

We finally had to put down our loyal cat who thought he was a dog this week. 18 years ago he followed our son Jon home one day from school. He wasn't a kitten but under a year old when he decided to adopt our family. His first name was Mitters because of his four white paws. Then it was "Mama's Mitters" and then one of my babysitting kids started calling him "Kiki" which he would come to any of those names. He was our healing cat. If you were not feeling well he would jump up on your lap and purr and rub his claws and paws onto your tummy until you would feel better. It was magic! He never backed away from any dog that would challenge him, swatting at them and holding his ground. He did swat at my mom one time when she forgot to feed him and she never let us forget the story which gets bigger and better every year. Derek took the best of care of him and slept with him most of the time. I was hoping he would still be alive when Derek returned from his mission but he got so skinny and was just not himself. This week his back leg swelled up and was hot to the touch and I knew that infection was setting in. So I took him in and he seemed very relaxed and purring and knew that's what he wanted. 18 years is an amazing long life for a cat. I can't ever remember having to take him into the vet for any sicknesses or anything. We buried him in our Secret Garden and have place a red antique wagon with a statue of a little girl holding a kitten. This cat will always hold a special place in our families heart. Farewell good and faithful friend.


Jane said...

that's so sad!!

Diane... said...

so sorry about your KiKi but happy that she gets to move on to better things!!
See you tomorrow at book club....can we ride together cause I don't know Janes address?