Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This Diet Works

I didn't think it was possible, but this diet really works. I've been on this diet going into my 3rd week now and I've lost 8 lbs. I haven't lacked for any food and have not had a craving for any sweets, bread or whatever. The first week I felt a little weak, especially at the gym, but the second week I felt my energy pick up and I was able to run in Pat's Run without fainting. I'm going to try Phase 1 for one more week to see if I can loose a few more lbs. and then begin Phase 2 by adding more fruits and whole grains. I have high cholesteral and am going in for my annual cholesteral test and want to see if this diet can bring the numbers down. Plus get the benefit of loosing a few too. I recommend this diet to anyone, you are never hungry, eating 6 times a day and you don't count calories or weigh your food. You eat until your full. And you only have to excercise for 20 minutes a day or until you break a sweat. "The South Beach diet was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston who wanted to develop a delicious, healthy diet that was reasonable so that everyone can do it and be successful.

The diet basically starts by resetting your body chemistry. In the first two weeks you ban all of the bad carbohydrates and sugars. You do not have to ban all of the the carbohydrates, as long as you remember to eat the right ones, as outlined by the diet.

Phase one is meant to be done for two weeks only to reset the body and you may find that you may lose more weight on phase one simply because you are eliminating a lot of the sugar and bad carbs out of your diet, which tend to make your body retain more water. You will be replacing those bad carbs with fresh vegetables and lean meat and good fats such as almonds and peanut butter.

In phase two you will start to add some of the carbs and sugar back into your diet, remembering to use potion control of course. You will be adding in fruits and whole grain bread, pasta and rice. The weight loss may be slower now but remember that you are doing this to make an healthy life style change and anything that is worth doing is worth the wait. You will do phase two until you have reached you healthy weight goal and then you will be ready to start Phase Three.

Phase three of the diet is when you take all that you have learned in phases one and two and apply it to your everyday life. Remember that it is alright to occasionally deviate from your diet and have something “unhealthy” that you enjoy. But remember not to over do it. The diet is designed that if you get off track too much, you can start back on phase one.

Remember to always consult your doctor or a nutritionist before you start a program. There is no secret pill and the only sure way to get the body you want is by exercising in combination with a heatlhy meal plan."

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I went to a class at WC on the word of wisdom where a nutritionalist and OB/GYN both spoke. Very interesting. sounds like this diet may share some of the same philosiphy although she said that we should eat meat sparingly (no more than 4 oz a day).

sorry to hear about your cat. it's harder than I thought saying good bye to a pet.

Props for running a race!! I guess Rick's leg is healed so that's good.

(can you tell I'm catching up on blogs)