Sunday, May 30, 2010

summer garden 2010

We've had a mild growing season this spring. It's almost the first of June and it's just starting to get close to 100 degrees. I've tried some new vegetables like celery and sweet onions, strawberries, kale, spinach and romaine lettuce. But the weather is getting too hot for them now and they are winding down.
I love the hibiscus which love the hot weather and bloom constantly through the summer.
We've added 2 new chickens. White Leghorns which will be pumping out eggs in a few months.
Our older Rhode Island Reds are 5 yrs old and still lay eggs but not everyday. I keep wanting to get rid of them and then they lay a beautiful XX large egg and then they are on parole again. This is a grape vine I planted this year, which will hopefully grow over the chicken coop and provide shade and give out purple grapes.
This red rose bush is over 6 feet tall. I think this one is called Mr. Lincoln. All my tea roses I've had to transplant to sunnier locations. They love full sun and I'm growing yellow squash underneath them and they are doing well too.
This is a kumquat bush (or small tree). You can eat the whole thing skin and all. The skin is sweet and the insides are a bit sour. I'm the only one who like them.
These tomatoes grow wild all over the backyard. They are small like a cherry tomato.
Chopper has one tomato in his mouth. You can see the tomato plant behind Chopper. It's growing all across the back patio. I did not plant this, it just grew in my rose garden by the house. Everyone is annoyed at it because it is taking over like "The Blob".
The apples are starting to get big. They should be ready to eat in a few weeks. They are a little sour right now.
This is a yellow squash blossom. I think chopper got into them. Because one morning his face was totally yellow. It was so funny.
Every year I plant sunflowers. They grow up to 10 feet tall. These are growing all they way along the back wall of the vegetable garden. The birds love them. And when they get old you just cut them off and hang them upside down to dry and then eat the seeds. I get so much pleasure out of growing veggies and flowers. Hope you enjoyed them too. Come by and get some tomato's before Chopper eats them all.

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