Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mesa Easter Pageant

Excited about the Easter Pageant coming up this year at the Mesa Temple. I invited my husbands secretary to go with us and she and her daughter are going to go with us the first day it opens, which is April 1st. To find out dates and times go to
. The sister missionaries challenged our ward to a contest. They said they can beat our ward in inviting more people to the Easter Pageant than our whole ward combined could invite. They probably are right. But I figured I'd give it a try and it was so easy. Rick's secretary/acct. has gone with us before but it's been a few years. She loved the idea of going again and I told her the challenge the missionaries extended to our ward and she said she would love to help and pass out the cards to as many non-members as possible, since she knows so many. But the catch is - on passing out the cards is you have to tell them about the easter pageant and testify of a gospel principle and invite them to come. I think they called it a "TTI" (tell,teach,invite). If I'm wrong please correct me. I did testify to her that if she would come to the Easter Pageant she would come closer to Christ. It's that easy. My son Danny has a friend who is taking the missionary lessons and has now commited to baptism. It's that easy!! My son Derek who is on a mission in the London England mission is planning on 4 or more baptisms just this month. It's that easy!! So everyone please tell, teach and invite all your friends about the Easter Pageant. It's That Easy.


Diane... said...

Missionary Minded it must be in your genes...I did a poem with that title but it fits you Sister G. GOOD JOB! I need to open my mouth and "TTI"!! THANKS for the reminded . . . your an example to me in many ways!!!

Debbie said...

you go girl!!! I'm still trying to find someone to ask. Mike suggested my Dad and his wife but they live in Casa Grande and don't like driving at night so I ruled them out.