Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hidden Under A Bushel

Today I opened up my violin case and dusted off the old violin. I thought I would have forgotten
how to play it but it's just like riding a bike, you never forget. Alot of people don't know I can play it, that's my fault. I've hidden my talent under a bushel and have felt pretty bad about it. (Not really). I started playing the violin since 3rd grade, taking private lessons from Miss Corbeil up until the end of High School. Always participating in school orchestra's and community orchestra's. I even played it in the High School Jazz Band for a concert where a famous trumpet player "Bobby Bryant" from Hollywood came out as a guess soloist. That was fun, and we even made a record of it. I've played it in High School Musicals every year down in the "Pit" at the College auditorium. Right out of high school I had a friend that was starting up a rock band and want me in the band but only if I would make it an electronic violin. I declined that offer. When I went up to BYU I was on a symphony orchestra there for one or two years. But it's been my mom's dream that I play the violin. It was her violin that she passed on to me. She majored in music in college and played in the Claremont Symphony Orchestra for 40 years. It was her passion her dream, not mine. I always wanted to play the piano and took a year of lessons when I was in the 1st and 2nd grade. I was sad when I had to give up the piano and take up the violin. I remember many fights with my mom about practising, but she always won. She said I would thank her when I got older. That's why with my own kids I've never made them take any instrument unless they wanted to. Danny took the violin and then switched to drums and was playing in the high school marching band for one year, then quite because he didn't like the band instructor. (He always yelled at everyone). Michael took up the drums too for a little bit. Derek tried a little piano but didn't like the instructor (too dull and harsh). Kenzie took piano lessons for a year and then tried the violin and stuck it out in the elementary school orchestra and liked it only because she got out of her regular class to go. About 10 years ago I saved up all my babysitting money and bought a nice piano at a garage sale of all places. A piano teacher was selling it. I took lessons for about 1 year and enjoyed it and got to where I can play hymns. But like every talent you need to practise and that's just what I've been lacking. I guess I get flashbacks of fighting with my mom. Anyway I'm not going to hide it under a bushel anymore and am trying to get together a little violin quartet with some members in our ward. I think we have 4 adults that play quite well. I think it will be fun to see what we can do and have a date set in Sept. to play in Sacrament meeting. So we'll see. I even trimmed my fingernails which proves I must be serious. So if you have a talent that you've been hiding don't let it waist away give it a try. Other talents that I've been dusting off is bike riding, I've been riding over 70 miles a week now. It was 5 years ago since I broke my tailbone and pelvis in a bad bike fall. The mental scars still exist. I don't ride with a big group anymore, just with my daughter-in-law Ivette and by myself since she's been in Canada. I've also started singing in the church choir which is fun. I joined a book club and have started reading again. The one thing I miss most is riding horses, but I'll have to devote a whole blog for that.


Diane... said...

This post reminds me of "the touch of the masters hand" story....I love that story!! and Nancy...you are so talented in so many ways and you have inspired me to branch out and STRETCH!!! I know that horse riding will not be one of those branches but I will love reading your post about it!! and you look & sound so great in our choir...you were exactly what had been missing all these years!! THANKS for being such a great friend "through the years" (I wish I could do that in torquoise) "in Sunshine and in Shade" I am serious!! I think you are the best!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear you play in Sacrament. This made me think of the parable of the talents. I'm glad you're going to share. I bet you are fabuloso.