Thursday, July 2, 2009

Service Rendered

This looks kind of creepy...but it's the LDS Humanitarian Center where lots of service is rendered. These are models for the Easter Pageant, this is where they sew the costumes for the pageant. Our Young Women and Relief Society went down and sewed school book bags.
It was fun using the sewing machines, I had never sewn on a surger before.
The room is very organized with all sorts of material, jewelry, and anything you'd need to make
a Pageant costume. There's other rooms where people are sewing quilts, cleaning and repairing
dolls, I come down every other week to get more yarn for my friend Dolores who has made over
438 crocheted snow caps for the needy. Her goal is to make 1000 hats, she keeps me very busy supplying her with all the yarn.
These girls don't look too happy, but it is a happy place with everyone busy doing good. Busy
hands make happy hands.

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