Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Jon

Happy Birthday to my son Jon who's 26 today. When Jon was born and we brought him home from the hospital there was a giant wind storm the night before. Tumbleweeds were piled up as high as cars. I remember my mom came over from Calif. to help. The next day my husband Rick had a marathon to run. It was so hard on him he couldn't walk from the car to our front door and he came crawling. I'm so glad I had my mom because now we had to take care of two babies! I guess you could call Jon a strong willed child. If he got something in his mind he wanted to do it was impossible to stop him. At Disneyland I had to put a leash on him so he wouldn't run away. He was always great at any sport, his favorite was soccer and basketball but he also was good at baseball too. Now he's into cycling and next week will compete in his first triathalon. He and Ivette have been married 2 years now. He runs his own company selling bank owned homes. He's a hard worker and also attends college. We love you Jon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

1 comment:

Diane... said...

What a great kid and soooo....good looking!! So is his wife...they will make beautiful grandbabies!!!