Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat Kiss my Feet

This is my favorite time of the year. Just because the weather is finally giving us a break and you get out and see all the people you've missed seeing all summer long. Halloween is always one of my favorite holidays, because you get to dress up in a crazy or cool outfit and get lots of candy. Halloween Chili Cookout at our church is very simple and down to a science. People bring chili, I make mine especially hot and spicy for those dare "devils" and the best part is the Indian Fry Bread smothered with butter, honey and powdered sugar just dripping everywhere. Also a very
fine homemade root beer is served. This year was especially fun because all my family showed up even my parents who are 87 years young. And we had our darling baby Carson only 3 weeks old come and celebrate the evening too. We all had fun catching up with old friends we haven't seen since the last chili cookout. Around 6:30 everyone heads on out to go trick or treating the old fashioned way going door to door. It's one big happy block party with young and old enjoying the evening. We had a real headless horseman on a real white horse come down our street. This year I saw more and unique ways of travel. Our neighbors the Kellis' pulled a big long trailer with blinking lights that looked like the Beverly HillBilly's truck. We also had two remote control cars drive up with a trick or treating bag on top. The two boys driving them must have been 15 years old and looked like true nerds. One pregnant mother came up with her 5 children and held out a bag and said the candy wasn't for her but her "baby", yeh right. The weather was absolutely fantastic. Didn't even need a sweater. Things quieted down around 9 p.m. And the good part is I got rid of most of my candy so I wouldn't be tempted to pig out. This was probably the best Halloween we've had yet. Now it's on to Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Just take a deep breath and jump in. Ready or Not. Mostly Not.

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