Sunday, January 11, 2009

Can't keep him down.

The cast has only been on a week and he's back at motorcycles again. Only it's watching motor cylces at the Supercross at Chase Field in Phoenix. We go every year and an old broken ankle wasn't going to stop him. He was okay until today and then it really started to hurt. We think he's rubbed a blister on his ankle bone, so he's got the power saw and is cutting a hole out of the cast so it won't rub anymore. I took a picture of it but I won't go in there and check to see if he's severed off a limb. It sounds like a dentist office in there. But Supercross was fun, just Kenzie, Rick and I went. For the 3 of us was just $40.00 and we sat in the handicap section. We borrowed the Goodman's wheelchair and got him in perfectly and sat on the lower level right in front of the 3 big whoops. Parking was close since we have a handicap sticker from my parents. James Stewart "Bubba" won again and the place was packed. The score to the Cardinals football game was constantly up and they ended up winning so we didn't miss anything. They will be going to the playoffs for the Super bowl. (First time ever). Rick's been at work every day this week and drives himself. The sprained ankle is doing better if he wears his foot brace. He just has to keep his feet up so the swelling doesn't get too bad. He did not go to church this week again, he was hoping to go today but the irritation was bad. Next week we have a general authority coming to talk to our stake for a special stake conference. I hear Bednar and another G.A. is coming down. I am really looking forward to that. My son Jon moved closer to our house this past week. I walked to it from our house and it took me 40 minutes. And then I walked back. I was wearing a pink sweat suit and a pink baseball cap. I got so many waves from women driving by in there cars. I'm thinking they thought I was a breast cancer survivor or something like that, because I've never had so many people waving to me. It felt really good. Like a celebrity. By the way Rick did not sever off a leg and he feels much better with the hole in his cast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, all the perks of being laid up. I like it - wheelchair and lots of handicap benefits. Much more fun now rather than later when we'll really need it. See ya tomorrow.