Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

Tonight was a perfect night to sit out and hand out candy to the trick or treaters. This is "Rodeo" he came to get a free hand out.
Rick, Deron and Chopper shooting the breeze and watching all the fun. Rick's costume is his hospital gown that he hasn't yet taken off. I threw a blanket over him so he wouldn't get cold.

Carson was a cowboy and loved walking up and down the sidewalk with all the little trick or treaters.
Chopper was dressed as a jailbird and Carson really got a kick out of him.
Kenzie was a lion, this is actually last night at the party. Tonight she was an Egyptian. We had our annual Chili / Indian Fry Bread dinner at the church parking lot. I went early and rolled out the dough for the fry bread. Wow I ate too much tonight.

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