Thursday, September 24, 2009

Book Review - My Sister's Keeper

This was the latest book we read for our book club. It's about 2 sisters, one that had a rare form
of cancer and the other that was born to mainly keep the sister with cancer alive because she was genetically a perfect donor match. It brought up a lot of questions about what was morally right and wrong. The donor sister took her parents to court because she didn't want to donate her kidney. I enjoyed reading the book and it had a real twisty ending. I missed seeing the movie but hear it's at the Dollar Theater and that it's a real tear jercker. Another reason why I was so interested in reading this book was because it showed the tremendous hardship that cancer can cause. Just recently I have had 3 people I know get cancer. Our Bishop, my nephew, and my friends brother. That's just within the last couple months. Each dealing with it the best they can. I'm so thankful that our Bishop felt back to normal for the first time today!!. He and his wife are such a great example of having a positive attitude and strong faith in the Lord that can get them through anything.

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