Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Back from London safe and sound. He looks so good and happy and a lot more grown up than when he left, more polite and spiritual. Missions are the greatest experience in the world. You give up two years of your life to serve the Lord. Such an unselfish thing to do. I commend everyone that's been on a mission. Derek says he's gained 15 lbs. but I don't see it. Anyway he's out on the bike riding with Rick. We went on our Epic Ride last Saturday, Rick, me, Jon, Derek and Michael. Rode 24 miles and it was the first time we had all done that and it was fabulous.
Michael made this sign "Frooks" is his nickname for Derek.Michael on the left then Nate Hatfield and Cameron Fumichello came to the airport to welcome him home.
Danny and Lachelle snaping pictures.Big hug from older brother Danny.Kenzie had changed the most.Welcome home signs on the house.
So excited to be home and see the dogs.We had delicious dinner waiting for friends and family. BBQ Meatballs, Hawaiian Rolls Ham Sandwhiches, Brucelini (rolled steaks), fruit salad, pasta salad, layered bean dip, cookies and cup cakes. It's so good to have him home. The first morning home he got up early and went to the 6 a.m. session at the temple. (Couldn't sleep - still on London time) Since he's been home he's talked to old companions, his mission Pres. called from Washington D.C., he's gone clothes shopping, been to the dentist, and eye doctor, visited MCC to look into school, organized his room. There's so much to do. Dereks Homecoming talk will be Sept. 13th at the 8:30 a.m.
sacrament meeting.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Derek looks so good!!! It's always a wonderful experience for these young men but nice to have them home too!