Sunday, September 13, 2009

Derek's Homecoming Talk Sunday

This morning Derek reported to the Stake High Council. He did a good job reporting about his mission to the council. We had to get there at 7:30 a.m. That meant I had to get up at 4:30 to get everything ready to be there on time. Good thing I don't mind getting up early.
Derek gave a fantastic talk in sacrament, I was really impressed and the spirit
was so strong. I also played my violin in a quartet for the musical number. I was a little
flustered at first until I found the right string. I couldn't figure out what I was doing and why
I sounded so terrible. I was pretty panic stricken for a few measures until I found out my mistake. That is exactly the reason why I don't like to play the violin in public. Afterward family and friends gathered at the house for a "brunch"
since it was only 10:00 a.m. This is Carson standing on his own. Just this week he
learned how to walk without holding big people's hands!!
This is Nathan, Zach and Emily all showing off their pearly whites! They love posing for the camera. I just love these kids. Thanks Emily and Jeff and Marilyn , Shawn and Jane for coming
out to our inferno of heat from So. Cal.
More cheesy smiles from Ashley and Nathan.
These are the "Birthday Boys", Shawn's birthday was today and Michael's is tomorrow!! I made Anna's delicious Cherry Chocolate Cake.
It was a great day and thank you everyone for coming and making it so special!!


Debbie said...

Derek gave an awesome talk today....I think we all were filled with the great spirit that he brought to the meeting. So, so impressed with not only the experiences that he had on his mission but the good young man that he is. I'm sure you are very proud of him.
Oh and by the way, I don't think anyone could hear or detect that you were off key while playing the violin. The musical number was lovely. Made me wish that I had not given up playing so many long years ago!!

Anonymous said...

I loved your violin number. I'd like to order that for my funeral please. Don't forget because I won't be around to remind you!!!!